[DIY BUILD] WHAMMY Headphone amplifier build.
First of all, I want to thank everybody who participated in making this project available to the DIY community.
PCB was bought here:https://diyaudiostore.com/products/whammy
Assembly guide and help from the community here:https://www.diyaudio.com/forums/pass-labs/317803-whammy-pass-diy-headphone-amp-guide.html
Parts ordered via Digikey/Mouser/Audiophonics.
Careful, PSU configuration is either LED+C10 or R9+R10 (same for negative side)
Hifi 2000 Galaxy GX283 Chassis 3mm front plate 80x230x230mm (Whammy would fit in smaller chassis)
Drawing the PCB/components placement before poking holes. |
Manually drilling the whole for IEC socket. |
Socket secured with some epoxy glue. |
PSU gives the following voltages at each stage of the CRCRC circuit, before the regulator on positive line: 33.9Vdc (85mVac) 33.26Vdc (8mVac) 32.64Vdc (1.6mVac), which then exits at a +16.7Vdc after regulator. So with a 22V transformer, the regulators have a lot of heat to dissipate, but then PSU also has plenty of headroom before collapsing under load, which is good. |
Ready for blind testing against JDS Atom:
Mod N*2 consists in:
- Removing input coupling capacitor, since the DC across them was always less than 1mV with all my sources.
- Some 0.1uF film caps were added before and after regulators to better address high frequency noise.
- Decreased output resistors from 10ohms (60mA bias) to 6.9ohms (85mA bias)
- Beefed heatsinking
- Improved Op Amp local decoupling V+ to V- and V+/- to GND.
- All coupling electrolytic caps on signal path were also bypassed by some WIMA MKP10 0.33uF.
- Capacitors C26 and C27 were also doubled to extend the low frequency response.
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